Monday, January 18, 2016

Upcy Valentine Round - Up

I realize that in the last few months I have posted more than my fair share of round-up's which I promise I plan on doing a LOT less into the new year! However - after having said that promising to clean up my blogging action I actually started my blog just over two years ago after New Years; making Valentines Day the first Holiday DIY's I shared. & Since having my own home has for some reason always been a favourite Holiday of mine to decorate for.
 I am one of the people who still love the day; I just love the idea of sharing and spreading love with everyone you see & part of me wishes I was back in Elementary School when handing out Valentines to everyone in your class was the norm & maybe 'something special from a special someone'. One of the perks of not being in Elemntry school anymore when my nickname may or may not have been Medusa (do to the mass of curly hair atop my head)  is that I do have someone to spend the day with now & we even exchange handmade Valentines <3
 Alright I will spare you all the Loving Rant for now, & get back to the point. The possibilities are endless and no colour scheme or pattern is off limits, Red goes with Pink, & super romantic quotes, pictures & home decor {while I am aware may come off cliche to some} is not gagged over? {mildly} accepted. Below I have put together 10 different DIY tutorials & recipes that would be perfect for Valentines Day!
Direct links have been attached to each.

10.  DIY Twig Heart :
9.  DIY Paper Bag Banner  :
8. DIY Rose Ball(s)  :
7.  'Sweet Hearts' Inspired Manicure :

6.  DIY Glitter Heart Wreath :
 5.  DIY Potato Stamped Towels & Textiles :
4.  DIY Paper Rose :
3.  DIY 3D Geometric Gem :

2.  PINK Strawberry & Banana Protein Shake Recipe :
1.  Chocolate Covered Valentine Recipe :

I hope that this help get you inspired!  If you aren't a Fan of Valentines Day but have somehow found your way to the bottom of this post I hope it didn't make you cringe inspired a new love for the Day.
 & if you do celebrate & decorate be sure to share them using #Upcy; I would absolutely
LOVE to see them!

Gratitude Is The Best Attitude

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