Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2 Years of Lessons Learned Blogging

I started this blog two years ago today. Let me just start by saying that I had no idea how to Blog, and I still hardly do but I knew that It was something I was interested in trying for the sake of transparency. I Also thought that it would help me to get my name & business to people who cared to read them.
I had no idea how much this whole Blogging thing would actually teach me & I have decided in true blogger fashion to compile a list & share them.
  • My spelling and grammar have improved if only slightly. Once you misspell a word enough times, and are scolded with the 'Teacher's Corrective Red Marker' squiggly mark enough times you will learn how to spell the word correctly. If you care that is... which in Elementary School I frankly did not!
  • My confidence in my ability to write has improved - this is something I yo-yo on. Sometimes I feel really good about what I am writing, or making and other times not so much. where it feels alot more like I am falling short. I often wonder if I am over analyzing things to much, sometimes I look back on old posts and think "Wow that was such a good genuine post I should get back to that" and other times I look back on an old post and think - "why did I even blog that - not even I care to read this.." 
  • Often times the reason I choose the topics I am going to write about are based on what it is I am needing in my life at that time. I started this Blog two years ago when I was going through a very hard transitioning period in my life. I truthfully didn't even know it when I started doing it, but I was using art as therapy (I was lucky to have very observant people around me who helped me to see this). I have written about this in more detail in the past which you can view HERE
  • Anyone who knows me well knows that while it may seem like I am doing a LOT - know that there are a ton of other projects I start and never finish. I am notoriously guilty for starting & not finishing. This Blog is helping me be accountable to my self and the projects I start.
  • I never liked writing in school because I never got to write about what I found interesting. I also never liked reading in school. When my feelings about writing changed so did my feelings for reading & you might not believe me but I actually have three novels on-the-go at the moment... which is something I can assure you is a phrase I thought would NEVER exit my mouth. I never read a single one of the books assigned to me in school... Spark Notes & my trust in my much more intellectual older brothers (I might add, he is a teacher now) knowledge in the novels plot line & my ability to memorize facts would get me as far as I had interest in going - as far as English Class was concerned. 
  • The community is supportive as &*#%! I have met so many inspirational women & men doing this blog. Sharing wisdom, tips, advice, guidance, support & I have even had the pleasure to work with some of these people! There are going to be ups an downs in everything you do and these amazing people have helped me through the not so fun days & for that I Thank You ALL!
  • I don't know what it is you want to see on my blog. I have a lot of interests and as far as traditional blogging goes - which I truthfully never set out to do - I share way too many different posts on far too many different topics... I am working on better organization and quality of posts all the time but can always use some constructive criticism or feedback!
  • Being your genuine self does not have to mean sharing every aspect of yourself. This is something I had a really hard time coming to terms with and wrapping my head around. I think this ties in if not entirely to my anxiety. Am I being my honest self? Am I being authentic? Am I boring? The truth is, it's probably a balance!

    Yes I am being honest with my thoughts and feelings.
    No I do not post/share very single thing I do in a day. There are certain things we do daily that I do not feel are relevant. I share things that I love, find inspiring, want to share or want to remember. We have all heard the term "Highlight Reel" & it's a real thing! This can make it seem like things are always hunky-dory but I assure you this is not the case. Sometimes I will write up a blog post and have it ready to go days ahead of time, and then when that day rolls around I sometimes feel less inspired than I did the day I wrote the post. (this is why I write them ahead of time - take advantage of the good days!) I guess what I am trying to say is - No, I don't share every bad feeling, sick feeling, anxiety attack, cry session, every meal, or bathroom visit here... & though some of these things take place daily, you will not find them here!

    Yes my photos are often staged (I don't typically lay out all of my supplies before creating something, I more or less run around my house like a mad lady searching for "that thing I used last time".
    No I do not have a professional Camera, Nor am I a professional photographer. Worse than that 90% of the projects I work on I do in the middle of the night, with little light, so No you will not find perfect and pretty pictures here & if you do they are almost guaranteed to be shot by someone who is not me!

    Yes there will be mistakes made along the way. But I mean this all add's up to lessons learned! & You will probably still find spelling errors.
    No I do not get paid for my postings, I have received Free products in exchange for testimonials, but I am always transparent about it. If you see me sharing or talking about a product, event, or business those are My personal and genuine feelings on the topic :)

    Yes I do post about way to many topics than any blogger should & no i have no organizational system so feel free to shoot me any tips / advice about that my way!
    I did not have any idea what I was doing when I started this blog, but I am having lots of fun learning along the way !

A Party without a Cake is just a Meeting 


Last but most importantly, I am Grateful for all of YOU!
 Those of you who read my blog. Those who like share and comment. Those who send or tag the shop in your creations. Everyone who entered the Upcy Enthusiast Search. Those who have purchased from the Shop / made Pre-Ordered the Gratitude Bracelets. Those of you who have written Take-Overs, Hosted Giveaways. Not to mention the phenomenally talented Contributing designers to the Shop. Everyone who has helped behind the scenes in any way - designing graphics, assembling tassels, helping with deliveries, capturing photos, spell checking, (just to list a few).
To say it wouldn't be able to happen without you all would be an understatement. This was never a solo effort & I can't thank you all enough! 
Gratitude Is The Best Attitude

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