Monday, October 30, 2017

DIY Unicorn & Meadow Costumes

Happy Halloween Week!

I remember when Halloween used to mean dressing up with all of your best friends and siblings, grabbing the largest pillow case you could get your hands on and hitting the streets until your parents called "Last House". At this point it was home to the living room to bump out ALL of he loot we had acquired. Am I the only one who used to sort it all out item by item? I even went so far as to dump all the sour candies into one zip-lock bag. Now it's just drinks the weekend closest, handing out the candy we once collected. I won't lie, this is going to be my first year handing out candy (from my own home) & I am actually DO excited about it! & then scoring as much as our inner child wants the morning of November 1st when it ALL goes on clearance!

This month has been quite the whirl wind for me personally. I fell sick with at the start of October & spent the days surrounding my Birthday at the hospital. Just as I began to feel like myself again our house got hit with an awful cold/ cough that just can't take a hint that its unwelcome here!
But with the bad there is always good, like celebrating a relaxing Birthday & Thanksgiving with Family & cake. Getting new glasses. Sight is something I am VERY Grateful to have again, & seriously had no idea just how much of the worlds beauty I had been missing without them! I am having mixed feelings about the fact that I now have to sport glasses daily to have said vision.. It will be nice to no longer unknowingly ignore people in public who are out of my 2 foot vision radius.
n any case, I think we could all use an excuse to let go of ourselves, the stresses of life and anything that might be bringing you down. Let's play dress-up for a while like the old days!

This is the first holiday in our new home & being back in our hometown again, & I think the fact I started decorating for it in September means that I was a pinch excited!

 Tomorrow is Halloween Night & if you are still deciding on a costume you can find 12 last minute costume ideas HERE & HERE, as well as flawless cosmetic costumes HERE

The Galloping Dead
(Zombie // Dead Unicorn)

Self Love Cultivated Through ; Self Love, The Process of Art, & An Attitude of Gratitude 

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