Thursday, January 4, 2018

2018 from Frantic to Fabulous ~ What To Do With That New Planner

I am the definition of a Planner Addict. I can't don't go anywhere without it. I turn to it constantly, to jot down ideas of inspirations; To plan / balance my personal & work life; To journal & remember the day to day joys; To calm my anxieties and re-assure myself that I am on track for the day & doing what I am meant to be doing.
I have been about Agendas & To Do Lists for as long as I can remember. I remember writing out pretend Lists as a Kid mimicking my Mom and her infamous Agenda / Calendar. In elementary I was always happy to write in our mandatory School Agendas.
In the past bit, I have been hearing a lot more people mention to me that they should use an Agenda, could benifit from a day planner, that they used to have one but never used it & wished they had of... I am not sure if it is the New Year (& the floods of them being seen in stores), OR the fact I have mine in my hand constantly, like an elephant in the room. Takes up about that much space once i get sprawled out planning.

I have always organized my Planners / To Do Lists the same way. Mind you, I had NO IDEA that this was a legit way to organize your thoughts & plans until I heard it explained in all its beautiful glory in an episode of Silicon Valley.
& that is SCRUM.
I do mine in a Binder, not on a Board. I like to be able to close it when the day is done. There is another quote from the Show (Silicon Valley) 'If you work from Home, you also kinda' live in your Workplace'. I find being able to put it away when the day is done helps deter this feeling for me.
 Colour Coding is my favourite part!
If you are someone who works a day job(or 2) as well as working your own passion(s) at night / in your off time, I strongly suggest 'assigning' a colour to each aspect of your life / Day. This will help you when blocking out your day (I'll touch more on this later) to ensure that you make time for your own passions. If you schedule your day with blocks of time for your passions or home business(s), it will help you bring the same focus and importance to those tasks as you do a shift at your 'Day Job'.
I also use the colour Red when I Re-assign anything that wasn't completed in the day or week prior to show it's urgency. 

I use my Agenda/ Scrum Binder to jot down my work schedule(s), important dates & events, & my top 3 daily / weekly tasks. I switched things up a bit this year & will be using a Composition Planner by Websters Pages. It is a 6 Ring Binder style with inserts that can be customized. There are so many amazing organization pages in it, and cute sections after every week to fill in with fun memories! I then do a deconstructed version of a SCRUM board with FREE Printables from Scattered Squirrel. that I can insert. I use the 'Weekly To Do's', '1page Weekly', & on perticuarly frantic days the 'Daily Task List Planner' (I really like the water tracker on the top of this one).
On Sundays, I sprawl out my Agenda, coloured Sharpies & White-Out to fill out the Weekly To Do & 1page Weekly Printables. I transfer all the information from that week including shifts at work & any important dates or events from my Agenda, & list my Weekly Top 3 Tasks or Stories.Each in their own colour. I then start working my way through the week planning out my days in advance. This is when I block out - or schedule hours to work on anything I want to accomplish that week as mentioned earlier.  I am sure to leave some free (un-scheduled) time every day for spontaneous joys & the unpredictable.
Transferring this information into one piece of paper not only makes it 365X easier to transport around all day than an entire planner is, but also keeps me focused on my Goals for that Day / Week, which helps me stress less about things that may be coming up. (I love the little part on the Weekly To Do's Printable 'WORRIES FOR ANOTHER WEEK' for exactly that. I use the section often as a way to ensure myself that I will not forget about whatever it may be, & to put it out of my mind for the week.) 
It has been so cold the past few days - that January weather hit Canada like a Ball Drop. Why not take advantage of the time spent indoors to get yourself organized - as a hint of how long I have been in hibernation mood, I am now scheduling for March!

Self Love Cultivated Through ; Self Love, The Process of Art, & An Attitude of Gratitude 

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