Sunday, January 21, 2018

Winter Bucket List FREE Printable

It is far from the first day of Winter, but if you can believe it - there are still over 55 days left of the season. The week that passed started with what many call 'Blue Monday' the third Monday of January & what is widely considered the saddest day of the year.
We spent the day skating at the Canada 150 Rink at Parliament Hill in Ottawa & of course ate beaver tails! The way I see it - is we can either spend the next few months wishing the days away. OR we can count down the days until Spring with fun winter Activities! The fact that it has taken me 30 days to get this Bucket List up on the Blog speaks to how much the cold dark days effect my motivation.
You can print off your FREE Winter Bucket List HERE that Cody was kind enough to make & share! Cody and I plan to go tobogganing, Snow Shoeing, and hopefully Skating (again), I also listed a few locations we want to explore. One thing that is ALWAYS top on my Winter Bucket List annual photo-shoot my Bestfriend Kristen & I started a few years back! Lots more from this shoot if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the post.
It is so important to get outside, under the sunshine & into the fresh air whenever possible! As much as you may not be feeling it as you spend 5-10 minutes layering up before hand, I promise that if you dress properly for the weather, you will feel 100x better once you get out there &200x better once you get back inside with a hot bevy
I also included some indoor actitvites for those Stormed-In days! Movie Marathon Ideas, build a blanket fort, a list of Great Books to read, & a spa day are just a few!
 If you are looking for some more ideas of how to build up your list you can also take a peek at this list of 15 Activities to Help Beat Winter Depression.

Self Love Cultivated Through ; Self Love, The Process of Art, & An Attitude of Gratitude 


  1. I count myself lucky it never gets that bad to the depression level but it was useful to read how you can beat winter depression

  2. thank you so much for your support <3
