Sunday, March 11, 2018

Michaels Craft Store Photo Challenge - Shot by KM Photography

Massive amounts of Gratitude going out to our local Michaels Store, for allowing my best friend (the women behind the lens & the owner of KM Photography) to stage a photo shoot in the isles. We love the chance to be creative and it was so much fun to attempt the "Bad Location, Good Photo Challenge" together.  There was a plethora of floral background options available to us.
I am happy to say that their store policy fully approves the use of Stores to complete the newly popular #MichaelsChallenge.
One of my favourite quotes
"I can see beauty where others see ugliness. That either makes me an artist or a person of very poor taste." — Unknown.
... describes my feelings towards this 'challenge'. I truly feel that Kristen sees beauty in location behind her lens that inspires me every-time we work together to slow down & look for the hidden beauty in a place or moment. At the very bottom I have included a few shots to show the reality of what this actually looked like  'behind the scenes'.

 Behind The Scenes