Saturday, July 7, 2018

Camping on the Thousand Islands ~ Adventures are Forever

Camping on an Island is one of the absolute best ways to enjoy the Thousand Islands in my opinion! If you can get yourself a canoe or kayak than you have opened up the door to some wicked adventures, sure to include animal sightings that are rare to say the least!
I am grateful beyond measure that one of my very Best Friends works for Parks Canada! 
 She is the Queen of Adventure in our crew, and always has been! I loved learning from and laughing with her along the way <3
The weekend began by packing everything we needed into Dry Bags & cramming it into our Canoes. (This is a skill she and I have come quite adept at, thought have yet to master to minimalist packing mindset!) We then set out and canoed out to Aubrey Island. From there we un-loaded and began to set up camp! You can see a few pictures of our camp sight through out the shots below.
We prepared a dinner of shishcabobs & bakes potatoes using the fire pit... and later made jiffy pop (which we didnt finish and later became an attraction for the local raccoons - don't worrie we scared them off & secured the rest of the food we had out to snack on safely. 
Day two was adventure Day! Shannon took us on a tour up the St. Laurence that included sights such as Moon Bay, a sunken ship wreck, and countless turtles (seriously we must have seen atleast 15 over the weekend)! 
We Snacked and Sunbathed enjoying the lovely weather before repeating the process in-reverse shoving everything back into dry bags & into every wedgey of space in the canoes, heading back to reality on 'The main land". 
This picture isn't zoomed we got to see so many Turtles over the course of the weekend it was truly amazing to witness them in their natural habitat! Basking in the warm summer sun on branches and coastal rocks along the St. Lawurence River.

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