Saturday, April 15, 2017

Easter Tulip & Teal Tea Party

Spring & Easter are such a beautiful time of year; for me it brings with it a feeling of renewal and freshness! The winter always feels a bit too long & then the spring comes in like a breath of fresh air!
While I may still be buried in boxes and stress from our recent move, it was really nice to escape from the constant nesting and enjoy our new space for a moment, 
There is always time for a little bit of Tea & a LOT of desserts! & it's just not a Party without cupcakes from Saima's Cake Parlour.
I don't think I have it in me to let a Holiday or any Festive event pass me by without marking it in some way! Of course there was a Tassel Garland {Tutorial HERE} & I also made a variation of the Recycled Paint Chip Banner {HERE} I made the very first year I started this whole blogging thing. 

The entire space isn't done yet, but with a little PosativiTea it will be & then I will have more time to share with you (from the comfort of Home & not a coffee shop with SCREAMING... Full Grown Adults.
Lemon Tulip & Teal Cupcakes
 Chocolate & Sprinkle Easter Mars-Mallows

The Process Of Art
The Practice Of Self Care
& An Attitude Of Gratitude
 - Upcygirl

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