Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Garden Meditation Day & Earth Day . Personal Thoughts & Favourite Shots

 When I am out of motivation I turn to nature to calm the noise and refill my cup of inspiration. 
photo by Jonathan Matthie
photo by Jonathan Matthie
photo by Jonathan Matthie

photo by Jonathan Matthie
photo by Jonathan Matthie

photo by KM Photography

photo by KM Photography
photo by KM Photography
photo by KM Photography
photo by KM Photography

I had two separate conversations with people I admire greatly the other day. They surrounded the topics of energy existing within the universe // whether there is a natural or predetermined fate OR if our actions (or lack there of) effect how our lives will unfold. 

The reason I mention that is because nature has always played a key role in both of these notions for me. I feel my strongest sense of calm, connection and oneness whenever I am surrounded by nature. 
While it simultaneously provides me with a rush of energy inspiration, motivation and clear direction.

I don't think a tree knows where it's branches are going to end up when it begins to grow.. it's environment is constantly changing, forcing it to bend, twist, & sometimes break. Science however has proven to that a tree does know that it wants to grow in the upwards direction (towards the sun) and that it will need a firm nesting of roots that grows as it does to do that successfully. 
I think that it's okay if we're like the trees and don't necessarily know where we are going to end up, as long as we know what it's going to take to get there,  advancing with purpose & ensuring we stay grounded. 

I had originally planned on sharing these photos with you Last month for Earth Day, but it didn't happen & felt very re-missed about the missed opportunity to share some of my absolutely favourite photos of nature all of which are captured by two of my favourite photographers (and people). When I found out that today is 'Garden Meditation Day' I felt like I had been given a second opportunity and I couldn't pass this one up!

Its contradiction makes perfect sense because to me everything about Nature is some how both graceful & abrupt.

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